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Address: Dhakoli Zirakpur, Vasant Vihar Phase 1, Dhakoli Village, Dhakoli, Panchkula, Haryana 160104
Phone Number: +91-98780-36258
Email ID: n/a (Edit business Listing)
Services: Streamline Classes Zirakpur Welcome to Streamline . The basic idea behind training is to train people in what they need to know. Streamline trains it’s learners with this maxim in mind.
Streamline is one of the Fastest Growing Educational & Training organization of India. The organization is run by social entrepreneurs and educationists. At present it is running in 5 cities of India. It stands for qualitative, caring and effective training. The subjects taught include Corporate Training/ Personality Development/Interview Training/Counselling/IELTS and English Speaking.
The word education comes from the Latin word e-ducere meaning to “lead out”, at Streamline this meaning of the word education is Lived and breathed .Utmost care is taken to develop the learners inner potential. We believe that every individual is unique and is capable of achieving much more than his/her set targets. Our aim is to maximize the capacity of each student so that he/she is able to achieve his/her goals with ease and confidence. The success rate of students at Streamline is 100%. The unique methods and techniques of teaching the learners have contributed in achieving this success rate. Streamline is present in Chandigarh, Bharuch,Mumbai, Pune, and Ludhiana and is registering success.
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